

Power in love

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Where have all the Noah Calhouns gone?

What happened?!?!?!?! What happened to the man who would open doors for you?
What happened to men making the first move? Where are the romantics who leave a trail of rose petals leading to a note just for you? What happened to the man who would build your dream house for you just in the hopes you would return one day to live in it with him?
What happened to those men? I'm sure they still exist I'm just more convinced that they're hiding in a cave in the middle of no where afraid to come out because of what their friends might think. If you like a girl, ASK HER OUT!!!!!! Remember in old hollywood movies where all the girl would have to do is bat her eyelashes and the guy understood it was time to make a move? I long for those days! Now it's all about how long should I wait before I text him back? Should I say something cute or funny, or both? Do I want to be over flirtatious so he knows I like him or do I hold back because I'm not sure he likes me?
TOO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!!!!! and we haven't even scratched the surface yet!!!
I want one of those relationships that just works. I know everything isn't going to be perfect, i don't want it to be perfect because perfect's boring! but I do want it to be real. I want the man to be a man and the girl to be the girl! I want him to plan and ask me on dates! I want him to make the first move! I want him to want to open doors for me! Is that too much to ask for?????
I know these men are out there, we just have to go find them! But finding them would mean they weren't man enough to find me... Life is complicated that way.

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